3 Reasons Sellers Should Get a Pre-Inspection


After much consideration, you’ve decided it’s time to sell your home and purchase a new one. However, there is another option that very few sellers choose, a decision that may be working against them…deciding not to get their home pre-inspected before listing.

It’s understandable that people resist it. All sellers want to put as much money as possible in their pockets when selling their home, and most are aware that inspection costs are traditionally the responsibility of the buyers. But what if I told you that putting out that extra $350 for an inspection could bring you a much more enjoyable experience, not to mention possibly thousands of dollars in return? Here’s why…

1. Peace of mind for you, the seller

Let’s be real, nobody likes surprises when it comes to buying or selling a home. Even the most meticulous of homeowners experience nervousness at what could come out about their home’s condition when the buyers bring in an inspector. Wouldn’t it be nice to go into the entire process with confidence, knowing your home is solid, that there is nothing major to be worried about? Believe me, you will sleep much better!

2. Reassurance for prospective buyers

Although most buyers will still choose to bring in their own inspector, it’s a big deal to buyers to see a home has been pre-inspected. They will view that info like a stamp of approval, making them more likely to put in a strong offer, maybe even full price or higher, when the chances of finding major structural or mechanical problems are eliminated. Keep in mind the financial risk for buyers. They have to put forth earnest money of at least $500-1,000 and then an additional $350-500 for inspections. The added reassurance for buyers means they are likely to offer more, the competition among buyers will be greater, and you will likely be rewarded with a quicker sale.

3. Stronger position as a buyer for your new home

What sellers often tend to forget, if they are buying a new home as well, a chain of at least 3 parties is created: the buyer of your home, you, and the sellers of the home you hope to purchase. When something goes wrong in one part of the chain, it affects all parties. If the purchase of your new home is contingent upon selling your own, think of the difference in confidence you will create when you can present a picture of a solid home. So much so, it could cause the sellers to pick your offer over another buyer’s simply because there is less chance your own home sale could fall apart in the inspection stage.

Now do you see how small that $350 looks in the scheme of things? Think about it. A pre-inspection could be one of the smartest decisions you make as you begin the home selling process. If you have questions, call me at 605-864-9922.


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